Pharmacy First

This is a service where if you feel you have any of the following conditions and are within the criteria please contact the pharmacy for advice in the first instance

ProblemPatient suitabilityNot suitable where symptoms include:Treatment
Mild inflammatory skin conditions: Insect Bite ReactionAllergic Contact DermatitisMild Eczema  Suitable for adults and children over 2Not suitable for pregnant/Breastfeeding womenInfected EczemaRash which fails to respond to therapyArea of treatment includes face, genitals or broken skinSkin lesion caused by untreated skin infectionsHydrocortisone 1% Cream
Skin Infection: Infected Insect Bite Cellulitis (skin infection)Not suitable for under 18 year olds.Not suitable for pregnant or breastfeedingCellulitis where patient is unwell or has feverCellulitis from human/animal bite or related to surgical woundFlucloxacillin
ImpetigoSuitable for adults and children over 2Not suitable is patient systemically unwellMultiple site skin infectionHad Impetigo within last 3 monthsUnderlying skin condition on same areaFusidic Acid 2% Cream
UTINot suitable for MenOnly suitable for women between 16 – 65 years old.Not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding womenNot suitable for DiabeticsNot suitable if patient has known blood disordersNot suitable for patients on WarfarinBlood in urineVaginal discharge or irritationFever, rigors or systemically very unwellCatheterDoes patient suffer recurrent UTIs or had a UTI within last 28 daysTrimethoprim
ShinglesPatients aged 18 and overNot suitable for patients with impaired gastro intestinal absorptionNot suitable for pregnant/breastfeeding patientsRash for more than 72 hoursRash affecting area’s other than torsoRecurrent shinglesPatients who are systemically unwell (including fever and headache)Patients in severe pain who aren’t responding to OTC analgesicsAciclovir
Emergency Hormonal Contraception (Morning after pill)Not suitable for 12 year olds and underPatients unprotected intercourse (or contraception failure) needs to have been within previous 72 hoursMay not be suitable for breastfeeding women – To discuss with pharmacistNot suitable if intercourse was more than 120 hours priorUnexplained Vaginal bleedingLevonogestrel or Ulipristal
COPDCurrently withdrawn due to COVIDCurrently withdrawn due to COVIDWithdrawn

Forth Valley PGDs

Dyspepsia and RefluxInfected Eye
Gripes/Colic/Wind painInflammation of eye
Acute DiarrhoeaEar
ConstipationEar Wax removal
RespiratoryMouth ulcers and inflammation
AllergyOral Thrush
Nasal CongestionSkin
Nasal AllergyNappy Rash
Central Nervous SystemAcne
Travel SicknessScalp Disorders
Joint painDressings
Fungal Skin Infections (not nail) 
Warts and Verruca’s 
Cold Sores 
Head lice 