Do not turn up at your Practice without an appointment.
Do not turn up at your practice without an appointment. Phone first or follow the advice on our website.
Do not turn up at your practice without an appointment. Phone first or follow the advice on our website.
Please search for your nearest community pharmacist.
If you have a sore throat, there are a number of ways you can help yourself. Paracetamol can help with the pain, andgargling with warm, salty water may help shorten theinfection (but this isn’t recommended for children). In most cases, you only need to see your GP if your sore throat doesn’t improve after a week.
You can either book an appointment with your GP, or alternatively please phone the reception desk on 01786 445888 to arrange your appointment.
*only if this facility is available, please refer to the this link for information about how to book your appointment.